Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Feel free to explore the selected questions with answers that have been some of the most frequently asked so far. We are constantly updating this list of the FAQ questions. Come back more often.

Q1: I always get the No (or bad) Internet Connection message.

Did you get latest version from Google Play?

Q2:I signed up my NNN tablets. Have an estimate when I might get PIN’s for them?

You can create as many units as you want (unit id’s) under one account. Just login to with your user name and password and create how many units you want under UNIT tab (next to DRIVER tab). The system will generate unit id’s and you can authorize them on your tablets.

Q3: What kind of data usage rate we could expect running this on a tablet?

For example, when we tested it with our trucks, we set it at 15 min frequency intervals. We ran the program 24 hours a day for 20 days and our usage was around 150-200 mb per month.

Q4: After ending trip and submitting info,where does one go to view the submitted info?

All your information is sent to your account on our server at
Log in using your e-mail and password you entered when creating a new account and there you can find all of your old trips. Also you can create changes or enter lost data.

Q5: How to receive the IFTA report?

1. Login to your account on
2. Go to the tab “Reports” from the main screen of the dashboard
3. Go to the sub-tab “IFTA”
4. Choose the date and unit and generate a report

Q6: I am unable to LINK to same UNIT ID at the new mobile device after having to install app ?

1. Login to your account on
2. Go to the tab “Reports” from the main screen of the dashboard
3. Go to the sub-tab “IFTA”
4. Choose the date and unit and generate a report